Friday, October 07, 2005


Basking in software

Wow; there’s now a Word-based blogging tool. It’s very cool; I had to test-drive it…

So is this why the line-breaks come in funny places on my browser in the longer posts further down the page?
Nah, just tried it out with that post. For those I was using the Abilon RSS reader's in-built blogging tool, which is quite buggy, incorrectly inserting titles on posts. Maybe blogging from Word will make things nicer. Sorry for the bugginess; I am ill.
If it's anything like Word's historical relationship with HTML it'll be a complete nightmare. We used to write perl scripts just to strip out all the crap that Word puts in in an HTML conversion. [shudder]

Bryan Covington
Ad Modum Digirati
Nah, it allows HTML preview before posting, and it's looked fine. I'm not sure if the html is handled entirely by Word or the add-in, or some cunning combination of the two. Personally I've always found letting Microsoft write code for me and then editing it is a nice easy way of doing things, which doesn't involve needing to remember languages or to learn them properly in the first place. It works really well...
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