Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Off the mat people!

Charles Clarke calls for a consensus on something beyond 14 days, and talks to achieve it, after weeks and maybe months of saying that he believed in the 90 days but was willing to compromise on it. What the hell do they have to do for people to realise that this is a straw man? 90 days is totally ridiculous; we bloody know that. The problem is that it’s a very clever straw man, which can’t be ignored once this is realised, but still needs defeating.
That said, it isn’t so hard to talk about more than one thing, especially when Charles Clarke trails his straw man by talking about the 90 days every three seconds. Our Opposition have sucked a lot for a long while, but allowing the focus just to be on this and not attacking the rest of this terror legislation is rubbish. The Opposition are being utterly outmanoeuvred. This when Labour’s majority was cut to one today on this. ONE! (Although I looked at Hansard and I don’t understand the counting, cos I got 297 votes for amendment plus 2 tellers, and 300+2 votes against… This looks like my mistake though, cos the guys doing Hansard must be pretty able.)

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